Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day One of our Family’s Summer Vacation

  We are a little bit under the gun this summer, because weed need to be in Chicago by Friday the 20th, and  of course, my daughter had three dance recitals on Saturday and Sunday (the 14th and 15th).  So we had to get out of Dodge as soon as her shows were over.

First, I need to back up a bit...

This is our fourth summer in a row where we have taken a big family vacation.

The first one was an eight-day trip around California where we almost completely relied on trains and public transportation.  

The following year we took a 33-day car trip around the USA.  We saw D.C, Philly, NYC, Chicago, Boston, Cape Cod, Memphis, and topped it off with a family get-together at the Grand Canyon.

Last year we took a vacation that lasted 17 days, with a week being spent in Chicago.  We added a twist to that vacation by conducting it in the “Amazing Race” style.  Every morning I would give the kids an envelope with a clue about our destination.  Before we could get on the road, the kids would have to solve the clue.  All of our vacations have been great.

Now that you’re up to speed, we left the house in La Quinta on Sunday night at 7pm.  We drove through the night, passing through Vegas and most of Utah.  The sun came up as we were traveling around the eastern edge of Salt Lake City.  (Utah is ridiculously beautiful, btw.)  We pressed on through Wyoming, and arrived in Keystone, SD (two miles from Mt. Rushmore) at 4pm local time, Monday afternoon.

That evening we went to Rushmore (we could see the faces from our hotel room).  It was a much nicer experience than it was 16 years ago.  


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Did you have a bad experience in the Black Hills in 1992?
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